Sound Psychologist
Released 2019 Detroit Underground
cat# Dboy20

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Sound Psychologist
Released 2019 Detroit Underground
cat# Dboy20
it·mus test
/ˈlitməs ˌtest/
A test for acidity or alkalinity using litmus.
Track 1) “E”
Info for my Dad: Took like 5 months, all the samples were taken from my synths in the shed, was one of the firsts tracks made after I got all the gear setup.
Spiritual Inspiration: それが煉獄を去るような感じの私のバージョン
Psychologist Tip: 큰 하위로 들어보세요. 나는 1 비트에 저음을 더했다.
Name: E je prvé písmeno mojej osobnej abecedy.
Track 2) ”Miko”
Info for my Dad: All the synth sounds were the cat. I held her and waited until she made her funny squeaking noise, zoomed in on the different harmonic waves of it. Hard to believe the bass at like 1:20 is actually the cat yeah?
Spiritual Inspiration: 人間と動物、特に猫との関係を与えられた神様。
Psychologist Tip: 추운 날에 좋은 MDR 7506 세트로 즐기십시오.
Name: Meno mačky je Miko
Track 3) “VST”
Info for my Dad: Fun little track made for Kyles birthday present. He loves that 2000s DnB haha!
Spiritual Inspiration:私の親友
Psychologist Tip: 여름철에 운전할 때 좋습니다.
Name: Len skladbu som použil VST synth v, v leu o tom, koľko Kyle miluje jeho VST!
Track 4) “MøN∂oni”
Info for my Dad: ”this one sounds familiar.” Yeah, this is an old song I did back when I started using Ableton again. Ultan did all the drums for it, a real classic this one!
Spiritual Inspiration:私は家族を愛しています
Psychologist Tip: 듣고 나서 형제에게 문자 메시지를 보내고 그들을 사랑한다고 말한다.
Name: Ultan ho pomenoval
Track 5) “For sleepy Evenings”
Info for my Dad: This is a song I’ve been slowly building for like 2 years on supercollider, Reaktor, and recently VCV rack. Cant really capture this as a song, as its a ever evolving state of being that only exists in the digital programs I made.
Spiritual Inspiration: 宇宙の連続性
Psychologist Tip:숨을 크게들이 쉬고 세상을 미끄러지게 할 때만 들어라.
Name:Cítim sa uvoľnene, keď som na konci dňa stresoval.
Track 6) “Cold Window”
Info for my Dad: this is the shortest song I think, fun one to make. All the synths are samples of my voice, quirky little one I did out between college classes.”
Spiritual Inspiration:超越
Psychologist Tip: 모든 전환 시간에 좋습니다.
Name: Milujem sa dotýkať okien studeného skla v zime.
Track 7) “Car Horn Pentet”
Info for my Dad: I sampled the van’s horn when Brendan kept honking at me for some reason. Not worth listening to w/out headphones as the left and right tracks of the bass go in and out of phase like the John Adams stuff and you won’t hear that on your little speaker there.
Spiritual Inspiration: 日本語のことば
Psychologist Tip: 교육적 관점으로 들어보십시오. 불쾌한 소리에 대한 연구.
Track 8) “Om-8b4[DU mix]”
Info for my Dad: Yeah, this is another remix of one of my fav. Songs Ive made. Used some probability based stuff in OFW to slice up audio. Used some dif. Settings and drum setups for new sound, and re-mixed.
Spiritual Inspiration: 古いオブジェクトの新しいバージョンは、まったく異なるオブジェクトです。
Psychologist Tip:옴니 코드를 올려보세요. 달콤한 아날로그 사운드로 당신을 매료시킵니다.
Track 9) “words are Just noise”
Info for my Dad: My personal favorite one. The sounds are made of recordings of me and Jessica talking about things we love, and I cut up the harmonic portions of our voices and made them into playable synths. Gives the listener the feeling of hearing someone saying something, but it’s nothing really but harmonic sounds of me playing the sampler. Explores the auditory relationship of humans.
Spiritual Inspiration: 愛
Psychologist Tip:
Name: Bowery Electric citovať
Track 10) “Miko: Chucks Remix”
Remix done by: Chucks Eke
Contact info:
Track 11) “6j_e8s”
Info for my Dad: I wanted to make something in 7/8 time, so this was it, at least the repeat bars for Ableton were in 7/8…
Spiritual Inspiration: 悔い改めは神のようなものです
Psychologist Tip: 멋진 스피커에서만 좋은 소리
Name: tajomstvo
Track 12) “Sampient”
Info for my Dad: Done with Kyle at like 3 am in studio. We setup 4 mics at like 300% gain in stereo and went to town.
Spiritual Inspiration: 美は混沌です
Psychologist Tip: 자기 양심에 구애받지 마라.
Name: Jednoduché okolie
Track 13) “0 Hits”
Info for my Dad: All the sounds, like actually everything you hear, all came from the soup pot under the kitchen sink. Heavy digital sampler use.
Spiritual Inspiration: 祈りの気持ちや神の神秘を反映
Psychologist tip: 당신이 잠들 때 모든 조명을 끄고 이것에 귀를 기울이십시오.
Name:Staré meno kazetového rukávu som videl.
Track 14) “Words Are Just Noise: Constructure Remix”
Remix done by: Kyle R Mankus
Contact Info:
Track 15) “EDM Sucks. [Lex!con Remix]
Remix done by: Thomas D Ryan as Lex!con
Contact Info:
About the album:
-Litmus, a test to see what chemicals react.-
This concept of reactivity is explored in a psycho-auditory level, with tracks like “Words are just noise” exploring the harmonic sounds of a romantic conversation, and more lower level relationships such as the obnoxious car horn in “Car Horn Pentet”
Litmus will take you on a journey through your ears, to your very centre.
released May 22, 2019
Album cover design by eBoy
all rights reserved