Akkamiau – Ediacaran EP
cat# Detund LTD 76

“The Ediacaran biota has particular significance for the history of life as it represents the earliest known assemblage of complex multicellular organisms, with “complex” here referring to organisms that host more than just a few different cell types. The Ediacaran world was a rather peaceful one, largely without conflict and predation. The soft-bodied organisms were a largely immobile form of marine life shaped like discs and tubes, fronds and quilted mattresses. The majority were extremely passive, remaining attached in one spot for their entire lives. Many fed by absorbing chemicals from the water through their outer membranes, rather than actively gathering nutrients. Paleontologists have coined the term “Garden of Ediacara” to convey the peace and tranquility that must have prevailed during this period. But there was a lot of churning going on beneath that apparently serene surface.”
My previous compositions Interjections and Kummerang dived into the psychology of trauma and worked within the frame of Buddhist ethics and practice of inner ecology. Ediacaran EP continues this exploratory nurturing of one’s inner landscape, reaching for the holistic and sustainable philosophy of life. In the spring of 2020 covid quarantine ‘allowed’ me to spend all the days in the garden behind our house, where I could pay close attention to the awaking plants, bushes and trees, observe insects, many kinds of birds, mice, squirrels and other furry visitors of our garden and learn their times and habits.
Understanding their behavioral patterns made me adjust my own presence accordingly, in the least possible intervention with their way of existence. My goal was to reestablish a sustainable environment for them, in this small space in between the block of flats in the middle of Berlin. Inspiration for this EP
came from reading wonderful book Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness while sitting in the garden and listening to the improvisations I recorded with semi modular synthesizer Grandmother Moog, analog drum synthesizer Vermona DRM1 MkIII, workstation Korg Kronos and Korg Electribe S1. The peaceful time focused on happenings in this microcosmos in our backyard turned into a wish to revisit the seemingly peaceful world before the Cambrian explosion.
released March 30, 2021
Cover art Fruiting bodies (detail) by Umico Niwa umiconiwa.com
Video credits:
dance impro by Marlene Kahl collapsetofraction.com
video FX by Ker
camera, edit, sound by Akkamiau
Audiovisual artist, experimental musician, performer, concept writer, event manager and coordinator, resident in Berlin. As Akkamiau she has performed audiovisual shows since 2006. She has been coordinator of female:pressure network and festival Perspectives Berlin, multimedia festival Multiplace. produced and art directed projects L to the B and Zbrojovka site-specific. In 2012 she co-founded multimedia collective StratoFyzika, for which she created sound compositions inspired by metaphysics. Currently performs as hiT͟Hərˈto͞o live experimental techno, with releases on female:pressure, Decadence recordings, SPRINGSTOFF and Establishment records. As Akkamiau she released EPInterjections [DETUND, 2019] and produced a/v performance Interjections (Liminal Act) in collaboration with collapsetofraction collective. Akkamiau hosted radio shows at Colaboradio (Frei Radio Berlin) and Cashmere radio;
she is a booker for female:pressure Circle and regularly DJs with focus on the emotional power of sound frequencies, presenting a delicate mixture of experimental and dance music.
female:pressure, collapsetofraction, Trash Era, Detroit Underground
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