Romanowitch -Inner City EP

Romanowitch takes us on a tour of Inner City, a gnarly album of screaming textures to bash your face in with a brick to. The album embraces the noise and dirt and organizes it into doom 808 type beats; some sort of post apocalyptic horror-core that somehow still retains massive amounts of funk. Clearly inspired by some of the incredible music classified as deconstructed club, I think this album illustrates an interesting angle of inspiration in Hyperglitch. It’s hard to say what is and isn’t Hyperglitch at this point but I think Romanowitch shows us a fascinating lens in all the different inspiration that can come into it. Romanowitch’s signature style can be seen in every aspect of his creative output, from his collaborations with contemporary dancers, to his videos to his music. He doesn’t always go as hard as he does in Inner City, that’s why this album is a special treat.
The Hyperglitch series is an exploration of what I see as a new genre emerging, still in the early days it’s taking shape through the experimentation of various artists. Not all of them would classify themselves as hyperglitch, this is just a name I’ve given to this idea that I see taking shape. Glitch or IDM are already big genres that have strong ties to classic artists like Aphex and Squarepusher and countless others, but I think a new thing is starting. New ideas about production, new ideas about sound design and texture, new ideas about rhythm and melody. To me this feels like a new beginning, and I hope it will be something that new and upcoming artists identify with and want to join in on. If you’re tired of answering the question “what genre of music do you make” with a longwinded explanation, consider listening to the artists in this series and thinking about what is the common theme between them, and thinking about if that’s something you hear or want to hear in your own music. Some ideas that have come up in discussions with other artists are: recursive sound design (resampling, adding fragments of the resample to the loop and then resampling again, and then adding fragments, continuing like that for many many cycles), linear arrangement (instead of drop, buildup, drop or chorus verse chorus, a lot of the artists write in a way where each section just evolves into the next, a sort of linear progression of sections that don’t loop back), and of course broken, fragmented, and fucked up rhythms, experimenting with weird time signatures or just more expressive “gestural” rhythms. There are many more but these are some of the main ones. If you’re interested in more discussion about this, consider joining the discord.
The Hyperglitch series is now on Detroit Underground! If you haven’t been keeping up with it check out the previous releases on Force Inc. With the exciting move to Detroit Underground we have also paired up with designer Antireal who will be doing all the album art in the series.
Le train ne s’arrête que pour mieux repartir. Après presque deux ans de presque silence, voici le résultat d’une réflexion que j’aurais peut-être bien évité. Tant pis.
Ce dernier Ep condense beaucoup d’aspects mais se précise en couleurs qui se veulent résolument monochromes et ternes.
Certains y verront du bruit, et ils ont raison. J’y entends des textures, des mécanismes, un certain relent de brutalisme que j’affectionne, sans doute pour sa connotation bâtarde et considérée comme hideuse par la bien-pensance, de ce qui ne devrait pas. Du bruit, comme pour rappeler que j’existe, en appuyant les contrastes pour devenir rapidement une tache dans l’horizon.
Ces quelques briques granuleuses et mal agencées comme départ de la narration de cette histoire sans réelle fin.
Des bruits, mais pas seulement. Il y a également une certaine ivresse abréactive, l’expression du malaise lié à cette obsession du détail, l’obstination dans l’essai-erreur à la densité que je voulais oppressante et mélancolique.
Mais aussi, un mélange un peu aléatoire de sentiments allant de la haine brutale et bornée, à l’expression cathartique d’un delirium que nul ne régit.
Prendre de la hauteur pour mieux admirer le fond dans sa globalité, et apprécier le spectre des lumières sous la pluie, dessinant l’agglomération de ce système, grouillant et dépérissant à l’allure dystopique affirmée.
Romanowitch – Inner.City Ep
released April 10, 2021
Graphic Design by ANTIREAL.INFO
Produced and written by Romanowitch.
Mastering by Woulg.
Additional voices on track 5 taken from « Clipping. – Five »
Additional voices and noises on track 6 by Julianne K.
all rights reserved