Abroxis – Multiverse

“Melancholy isn’t just a feeling in this album, it’s a taste, it’s a texture, a shroud that encompasses you while you listen. Abroxis has an incredible talent of pulverizing you with heavy, lumbering beats and basses and somehow pulling you out of your body and letting you float over top of it all with his synth lines. This album is really a synthesis of the brutal and the beautiful. It’s a sort of emulsion of the two in a way that seems almost impossible. It reminds me of that type of silence; the type you only hear in the worst situations. When time slows down. When the driver loses control of the car on the highway. Swerving from left to right as he overcorrects. There isn’t enough time to really think anything, you know he’s going too fast. There’s that moment where you feel frozen. It’s the moment where you know what is about to happen, but it hasn’t happened yet, and you’re trapped just waiting for it. That’s when time slows to a stop for a moment. That’s when the silence really settles in. Abroxis has somehow crystallized that feeling into the sound of an entire album.
I think a core aspect of everything that I tend to think of as “hyperglitch” has a taste of this melancholy, but with Abroxis, it’s really on full display. There’s something unique about the way that really elaborate, intricate and at the same time brutalizing sound design can describe the sort of helpless violence that can accompany a deep sadness. And the sadness, despondency and apathy can be depicted so accurately with exactly the types of textural, hyper-detailed synth manipulation that is on display in Multiverse.” – Woulg
released October 12, 2021
Composition, production, mastering by Abroxis.
cover design by ANTIREAL™ antireal.info
all rights reserved