Ben Davis – Cycles EP
cat# DU-NTRL03

Includes unlimited streaming of Cycles via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Ben Davis is a programmer/engineer who has been involved in making many Eurorack modules over the past few years. Most notable of his work are the ideas he’s incorporated in sequencers such as the Voltage Block and Varigate. The ideas he’s put into hardware are heavily focused on generative music incoporating finely tuned randomization.
On “Cycles” he aims for a new approach by only using software. The software of choice for these live recorded pieces is TidalCycles. He uses this software to access functions that are familiar on hardware sequencers while taking advantage of endless modulation abilities of TidalCycles.
released October 22, 2019
W+P by Ben Davis
Remix by Valance Drakes.
Live Coding videos by Ben Davis
Graphic Design by ANTIREAL™ ( Ben Hook )
let snarPat = “~ [sn:2]”
$ degradeBy “1 0.9 0.75 0.2 1 0.9 0.2 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.7 0.1 1”
$ fast 8
$ foldEvery [3,10,15] (#delay (range 0 0.5 $ rand))
$ every 3 (chop 256)
$ every 7 ( # pan (slow 1.8 (sine)))
$ iter (cycleChoose[4,8,12])
$ s “sk:1 ~ sk:2”
# pan (range 0 1 $ (slow 3) sine)
# (slow 6) (speed “1 <1 3 0.7 5.2>”)
# delayfeedback (cycleChoose[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.7, 0.001])
# delaytime (choose[(1/16),(3/16),(1/32),(5/16),(7/32),(9/32)])
# orbit 1
# cps 0.32
$ fast 2
$ stack
fast 2 $
degradeBy “1 1 0.3 1 0.3 1 1 1 0.3 1 1 0.4 1 1 0.4 1” $
((range 0.0 0.8 $ rand) ~>) $ s snarPat
# delay (range 0.4 0.8 $ rand)
# gain (range 0.6 1.0 $ rand)
# delaytime (choose[(1/8),(1/16),(3/16)])
# delayfeedback (range 0.1 0.9 $ rand) # speed (cycleChoose[0.9,1,2]),
snarPat # speed (range 1 1.1 $ (slow 128) sine) # pan (range 0.4 0.6 $ rand)
# release (range 0.07 0.3 $ rand)
# room (range 0 0.5 $ rand)
# size (range 0 0.8 $ rand)
# orbit 1
$ slow 1
$ within (0.2, 0.8) (stut (cycleChoose[5,3,8]) (range 0.3 0.9 $ rand) (cycleChoose[(3/16),(1/16),(1/8),(1/32)]))
$ s “sk:0” # speed 0.8
# orbit 1
$ degradeBy “0 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.532 0.45 0.1 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.614 0.5 0.8”
$ fast 4
$ whenmod 3 2 (hurry (choose[2,4,8,16]))
$ whenmod 8 7 (#attack 0.2)
$ sound “violin” # cut “2”
# gain 0.8
# begin (range 0 0.5 $ (slow 3) rand)
# speed (choose[0.125,0.25])
# lpf (range 2000 11000 $ rand)
# release (range 0.2 0.4 $ (slow 4) rand)
# room 0.9
# size 0.9
# up (slow 16 (cycleChoose[0,4,7,5,11,9]))
# orbit 0
$ fast 1
$ every 7 (hurry (choose[2]))
$ ((cycleChoose[0.25,0.125,0.5]) ~>)
$ s “bs:3” # cut “5” # up (cycleChoose[0,4,9,11])
# gain 0.8
# speed (cycleChoose[0.5,1])
# end 0.7
# decay 3
# orbit 1
$ fast 1
$ loopAt (fast 16 (“<0.5 0.25 0.125 1>”))
$ chop 64
$ foldEvery [7,11,19] (0.25 ~>)
$ foldEvery [6,13] (# accelerate 0.2)
$ chunk 5 (# speed “<2 4 0.5 1>”)
$ iter (cycleChoose[2,8,4])
$ s “tm tm*2 click:2 cp:2”
# release (range 0.02 0.1 $ (slow 8) sine)
# pan (range 0 1 $ (slow 2) rand)
# orbit 1
# gain 0.8
# speed (cycleChoose[0.25,0.5,1,2])
$ every 3 (hurry 4)
$ striate (cycleChoose[16,32,1])
$ loopAt (cycleChoose[1,0.5,0.25,0.125])
$ s “click ~ ~ click ~ ~ cy:2 ~”
# up (cycleChoose[0,7,9,12])
# speed (cycleChoose[0.5,1,2,4])
# release (range 0.01 0.02 $ (slow 3) sine)
# orbit 1
# gain 0.7
$ slow “8 4 3”
$ striate 16
$ every 3 (zoom (0.4, 0.6))
$ fast “0.5 0.25”
$ s “lead*2 <lead*8 lead*12 lead*4>”
# up (choose[0,4,9,11,7])
# speed (cycleChoose[0.25,0.5,1,2])
# gain 0.8
# release (range 0.05 0.2 $ (slow 4) sine)
# orbit 1
unsolo 8
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