Anklepants- Pollen
Detroit Underground 35
format: 12″ + Digital

Anklepants introduces his brand new album for Detroit Undergroud, a collection of ten cuts, made with his very own arsenal of digital and hardware toys, most of them self made and customised for his purposes. This multi faceted artist creates a blend of twisted ryhthms, synthetic melodies and weird textures and noises, yet danceable stuff but with heavy focus in experimentation and risk.
Pollen opens the release with a weird arabic style riff and arpeggiated clean synths over a simple beat, until more melodic layers complete the equation.
Chowsey in upstyled onesy minor follows with sampled and morphed traditional instruments, laying over destructed beats and rythms.
The perfect adult man relies on atmospheric stabs, four four kick and analogue bubble bassline, dark, grey and melancholic.
‘lé cavé_isnt it funny to think once apon a time people thought the world was blue white flat and squaré’ is made of twisted samples, asymetrical grooves, organic instruments decimated and multiple sound layers.
808 frapé is an homage to the classic drum machine, electro shaped drum patterns, floating sounds and crispy metalic glitches dance with random sequences and bleeps in a robotic exercise.
Reecard Farche The torture of Credo Mutwa and the theft of the Necklace of Mysteries_noel goes again to weird random bleepy fields, alien grooves, heavy sound processing and glitched details.
Industrial kingpins und drachoen is dark, obscure number, clear rythms, strings and resonant bassline collide, the groove transforms to broken beats after the break bringing new life to the overall feel.
Sharkblood, sure the sharks, repeats this phrase in different pitches over a solid kick pattern while more vocal layers are added progressively in a voice madness.
Golife_refracto relationé again plays with samples in a mad style, altering every parameter, creating granular efects, destroying the audio files creating an asymetric tune.
Attila’s own photos from the shoot it’s the epilogue, in a relaxed mood, sound textures, various string samples melting in different pitches and crunchy atmospheres.
DU 35
Photos By Elizabeth Marsh and Reecard Farché_1
12″ version available here :