Rzeng – Phase Angel
cat# Detund LTD 40
Digital / Cassette Tape

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Rzeng is a beat-oriented project by the sound-artist based in St. Petersburg, Russia – Snezhana Reizen.
Over the years she focuses on the eco-futurism in her sound researches. The subject of her studies considers microtonal, noise and polyrhythmic structures, which is typical of both natural pulsations and certain patterns of synthetically created media.. Snezhana synthesizes sounds, that are structurally close to nature, and then she tempers them dance with contemporary urban rhytms.
Technically, these are manipulations with various pre-prepared sequences and effects of analog and digital synthesizers in real time. Stylistically, this is experimental electronics, which basically has ambient as some space for unfolding sound events of different scale and intensity.
In “Rzeng” she combining various layers of rhythmic flows (idm, brokendeat, dnb, glitch, techno) with meditative overtones in it.
Rzeng is a gearbox that switches times and states, a prayer to the error-god of the digital age in the noisy breathing of the ocean.
The Phase Angel is the third album of the project. These are multi-layered rhythm calls and phase shifts, a chorus of electrical appliances, their songs, and multiple noise distortions. The album narrates about the phenomenon of consciousness. This is a story about the path and the search for meaning. What is the nature of consciousness? Are all our properties and actions spelled out by the global program code? Is our world virtual? May we be biorobots? Being confused by these questions, the mind continues its expansion, parallel with the whole universe, listening to the stars with such romantic longing as if it is homesickness.
psychic_glitch | noetic_techno | fractal_freedome | holly_noise | archaic_overtones
released January 7, 2019
Tg X video by Mike IV
all rights reserved